Illegal Dumping

Illegal Dumping of household rubbish in our Tennis car Park


Litter Address RedactedIllegal dumping is unacceptable in this instance clear evidence of where it came from is among the rubbish, Fingal Litter Warden notified and we hope offenders are prosecuted and fined. Name and house number redacted.

This happened in the tennis courts car park, but also all the back roads to Balrothery are badly littered particularly the road to the Balbriggan RFC, the road past Hamilton Park Care Facility heading towards Millfield and Mc Donalds a lot of car rubbish and household trash including a mattress on Millers Lane.

We have a great team of volunteers who spend their Saturday mornings tidying up the village, their time should not be wasted cleaning up after morans like this.

BTVC3We are calling on Fingal County Council to take proper action to deter this activity, including better monitoring but most of all fully prosecuting offenders.



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